Sunday, 9 September 2012

0 (Several) Alfa Romeo GTV-6s - Milwaukee, WI

 I've always had a thing for Alfa Romeos. Alfa is on my list of most favourite car brands. They have that little "something speical" about them, that I also get with Pontiacs. Top Gear has a saying, "You can't be a petrol head if you've never owned an Alfa-Romeo." Well, since here in America is is getting harder to get an Alfa Romeo, I sorta claim Pontiac is the American equivalent to Alfa Romeo. Therefor, "You can't be a true gear-head unless you've owned a Pontiac." Though that is just me. I plan on some day owning an Alfa Romeo. They are geared to return to the US in 2013. This will be great, so I should be able to achive my dream easier. Though, I could always go for some of the older models they sold here in the US previously. Such as these fine peices of Italian cars. These are some Alfa Romeo GTV-6s that I found sitting around at Reina International Auto in Brookfield, Milwaukee, WI. There were at least 4 of them there. 2 of them in great shape, the other ones, not so much... they seem to be getting ready to be restored. Anyways, here are the pics of the GTV-6s that were in Milwaukee.

Some of the back-lot Alfa Romeo GTV-6s. Hope to be restored someday.


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